Actress and former beauty queen Sushmita Sen has shared a video of herself along with her beau Roman
Shawl, whom she lovingly calls "tough guy".
Sushmita took to Instagram, where she shared a video of the two performing couple's yoga. She shared
that the key to a stable relationship needs a balanced centre.
"I love you my tough guy @rohmanshawl ‘A stable relationship needs a balanced center, flexible mind,
mutual strength & deep trust' How symbolic this posture!!! #sharing #us #togetherness. I love you
guys!! #fly," she wrote.
Earlier last week, Sushmita completed 26 years of her Miss Universe win. She became the first Indian to
be crowned Miss Universe at a glittering ceremony in the Philippines.
Currently, Sushmita stays with her boyfriend and her adopted daughters, Renee and Alisah.

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