Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has instructed officials to take strict measures to avoid any problems in the twin cities in the wake of the onset of rainy season. Visited the command control center along with the ministers. Arrangements should be made to provide traffic alerts through FM radio at all times so that the public does not have any problems.
It has been ordered to integrate disaster management by taking the outer ring road as a unit and connecting all CC cameras inside the outer to the command control as soon as possible.
On this occasion, the authorities explained that 141 areas in the city where there are severe floods have been identified, special measures should be taken to prevent floods and the authorities of all departments should work in coordination with this regard.
Authorities explained to the Chief Minister and Ministers that special measures are taken for flood prevention and water harvests are being arranged so that floods flow from the areas where water is high.
Along with Chief Minister, Deputy Chief Minister Bhattivikramarka, Ministers Uttam Kumar Reddy, Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy, Duddilla Sridhar Babu, Ponnam Prabhakar, Government General Secretary Shanti Kumari, DGP Ravi Gupta visited the Command Control Center.
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